Residents share a small insight into their fascinating lives.

John and Jenny Collins 

John and Jenny met when they were both working  in the same hospital in Manchester. After they  were married and John completed his surgical  training, they moved to Auckland. Jenny worked  as a medical secretary at the Princess Mary  Hospital, later called the Starship, and John at  Middlemore and Auckland University. They have  one son who lives in Glendowie with his wife and  two boys.  

Congratulations to John as recently he was  awarded the NZ Order of Merit for services to  surgical education and breast cancer management. 

Phil and Carole Olsen 

We will have been married for 54 years next  month, having lived in Auckland all our lives. Philip  graduated from Auckland University with a degree  in Mechanical Engineering and Carole worked in  Telecommunications. We have also owned and run  a motel together while our two sons were  teenagers, a fun though busy experience! We love  travelling and have been trying to travel as much  as we can before we are unable to. We would just  like to thank everyone for the lovely hospitality  and atmosphere here. An example is when Carole  departed on a month-long trip around Europe and  Philip went to visit our oldest son in Australia, our  senior cat Lochie escaped from the balcony and  was missing for a week. Our catsitter Robyn was  shown so much support from everyone in the  village. Luckily Lochie was found in a backyard.  We moved into St Andrew’s in October 2023 from  Epsom and are so happy to have made this  choice.

Di and Joe Hall 

Di was born in Hamilton, and educated at  Blackpool School Waiheke Island &  Hamilton Girls High. After school, lived in  Devonport, and worked at Farmers  Trading & Edward Lumley & Sons. Played  basketball at YWCA, and crewed on a  support vessel for 1956 Auckland to Suva  Yacht Race. Married Joe in 1957. During 67  years & 4 children, events included  teaching music at Sacred Heart College,  completing Trinity College of Music Grade  8 piano & a successful career in Eastern  Suburbs real estate, where my first  mentors were John & Jill Cran. Joseph was  born in Auckland and lived most of his life  in St Heliers. Educated at St Ignatius  Convent & Sacred Heart College. Member  of the 1st XV rowing 8 & University 8 while  at Law School, Auckland University. 1953  gallantly defended NZ in CMT in RNZ  Engineers with Sapper Des Mataga.  Practised law for 55 years. Completed 38  marathons with the YMCA Club. We now  have 9 grandchildren, 6 great-grandsons  and 1 great grand-daughter. Resident in St  Andrew’s for 15 months and enjoyed it  since day one. 

Robyn Marshall 

I was born in Auckland and after the war at the age of 18 months went with my parents to live at  Onetangi Beach on Waiheke Island. It was an idyllic childhood even though electricity didn’t  arrive until 1954. We returned to Auckland and I trained as a primary school teacher. I met my  late husband John, married and have lived in St Heliers ever since. We had 3 children. My final  career move was to run the Student Centre at the Tamaki Campus of the UoA. My hobbies are  reading, uncoordinated dancing and classical music