In this section you will find information regarding safety and rules for residents, family/whanau and staff of St Andrew's Village.
Residents’ Responsibilities
Residents’ responsibilities are to respect the privacy, dignity and cultural diversity of other residents and to treat staff and other residents with respect.
Taking Residents out on Day Visits
Connecting with family, friends and community is vital for residents’ satisfaction and well-being, and at St Andrew’s Village, we do what we can to make it easy for you to take your family member or friend out on visits.
Mobility & Manoeuvres while on Visits.
Generally, staff are requested not to physically assist with transferring residents into private cars, as it implies the visitor is not able to do it, and therefore, poses a problem at the other end of the journey. In special circumstances, staff can assist if the nurse judges it as safe.
Staff need to make sure that appropriate safety measures are in place for residents, staff and you, particularly if any lifting is needed or if the resident has particular care or medication needs.
Process for family or friends to follow:
Please discuss your plan to take a resident out with the RN or Nurse Manager before confirming it with the resident.
You will also need to assure staff that you will be able to meet any mobility or care requirements that the resident may have while out on the visit.
And, of course, staff will need to know that the resident or their representative consents to the outing.
Process for staff to follow:
You will need to ensure there is agreement from the resident or whoever is legally able to give this agreement on their behalf. This is in addition to the general consent form signed as part of the admission process.
If the resident requires specific care or medication during the time of the proposed visit, please ensure that the person responsible for the resident is fully informed and competent to administer any necessary care.
Electricity and Electrical Goods
On admission, the Maintenance staff will check all your electrical equipment to ascertain if it is safe for use.
They will also conduct an annual inspection of equipment.
Mobility Vouchers
Land Transport and Auckland Regional Council issue Mobility vouchers through their agent Age Concern You can contact them at 09 820 0184
On request, Age Concern will send an Assessor to visit St Andrew’s Village residents. They will assist in form completion and take an ID photo.
The cost is $60 for an unlimited membership.
St Andrew’s Village expects staff to advocate on behalf of residents. We encourage your participation with our Clinical Managers to determine how your or a family member’s health and welfare are managed at St Andrew’s Village.
However, should you wish to seek external help and guidance, or feel you are not being listened to; you can independently contact one of the following agencies:
Age Concern Auckland – 09 820 0184
Nationwide Health & Disability Commissioner’s Consumer Advocacy Service – 0800 555 050
We know it is not easy for people to complain about services but please be assured that we investigate all complaints carefully and respectfully. Your feedback and suggestions provide opportunities for us to improve our service or correct any mistakes we may have made.
Please feel free to discuss your concerns with your Nurse Manager in the first instance or a senior staff member if you are not happy with any aspect of care or service.
Complaint and Feedback forms are also available online, at Reception and on noticeboards opposite every Nurses Station. You can complete this yourself or ask a staff member to do so for you.
The completed form is then placed in the red letterbox on “The Street” or handed in at reception. I can also be given directly to our the Director of Care – Carmen Stadler-Hanekom.
You can contact her directly at 09 585 4020 ext. 210 or via mobile at 027 773 6778.
We aim to resolve complaints within 21 days.
If you need support to make a complaint, or if your problems cannot be resolved satisfactorily, free independent Advocacy Services are available.
Hip Protectors
Hip protectors are protective shields over the hips that absorb or dissipate forces applied to the hips in the event of a fall. The shield is positioned over the ball and socket joint of the hip. There is a range of different types of hip protectors.
How do they work?
Hip protectors act like an airbag covering the ball and socket joint of the hip. When a fall occurs, the impact of the fall is radiated away from the bones, and absorbed by the surrounding tissues. Radiating and shunting the impact of a fall away from the hip joint, reduces the risk of a hip fracture.
What is the cost?
Each garment costs approximately $80.00 including delivery (paid for by resident/family).
We can order them on your behalf after consulting with you.
Where can I find out more information?
Should you require further information about hip protectors and their use, please discuss this with your Registered Nurse or Nurse Manager. Please also see the supplier’s website
St Andrew’s Village complies with the New Zealand Smoke-Free policy; therefore, a prohibition ban is in place for smoking inside our buildings and in public areas. Please see a staff member about the allocated smoking area if you wish to smoke.
Alcohol & illicit Drugs
You are welcome to bring your own alcohol. St Andrew’s Village respects the rights of other residents and staff, so we request that you refrain from excessive drinking and abide by our restrictions i.e. Alcohol stored at the Nurses’ station.
Please remember to take into account any medical condition you may have before consuming alcohol.
St Andrew’s Village abides by the law prohibiting the use or storage of illicit or illegal drugs.
In the event of the fire alarm sounding, please follow the instructions of the staff in the area you are located.