In this section you will find information regarding services provided to the residents of St Andrew's Village.

Doctors and Nurse Practitioners

Usually, residents at St Andrew’s Village have their medical care overseen by one of the doctors or the Nurse Practitioner contracted to St Andrew’s Village.

However, residents may request to retain their own doctor.   St Andrew’s Village will contact your physician for authorisation and will advise the outcome.

You will be registered with a St Andrew’s Village doctor should your doctor decline continued care.

In addition, St Andrew’s Village has a contract with a 24/7 GP telephone service for residents who are under our doctors’ care.  

St. Andrew’s Village contracts General Practitioners (GPs) and Nurse Practitioners to work as part of our multi-disciplinary team. 

They provide comprehensive, evidence-based medical care in a resident-centred manner, referencing current gerontological, palliative medicine best practices, and SAV policies. 

Who provides the medical service? 

We contract local GPs, most of whom have their own general practice, and have our own Nurse Practitioner (NP).

Can I continue to use my previous GP instead of a St Andrew’s Village GP/NP? 

Yes, you can continue to use your current GP, but they must be happy to visit you and work under our protocols, including providing emergency cover.

Also, you can change (at any time) to a different SAV GP or to our NP, subject to their availability and consent to accept you.

When are GPs/NP available at SAV?

They are rostered, and there is at least one (1) GP visiting each weekday. They see their allocated residents, as well as other acutely unwell residents. (Assigned GPs don’t visit every day, the NP is here Monday-Friday). 

How often can I see a GP/NP?

On admission to SAV and thereafter monthly if required, (with a minimum of 3–monthly), as recommended and documented by the GP/NP in consultation with you. Also, if and when required due to ill health

When do I first see my GP/NP?

Within two (2) to five (5) working days of admission.

What happens at your first visit with the GP/NP?

They will ask you questions about your medical history, medications, and any concerns or preferences you may have.

There will also be a resuscitation form to complete – outlining the medically appropriate care which is to be provided in an emergency if you can’t be consulted.  Please also read the information on the “Advance Health Care Plan” before this meeting and discussion.

What happens after hours?

GPs/NP make every effort to be available by phone. The nurse in charge would first phone your own GP or NP, up to 10 pm. If they are not available, or it is after 10 pm, they phone the after-hours medical service. If further assessment or treatment is required, the nurse arranges a transfer to Auckland City Hospital in consultation with you or your family. 

What about emergencies?

These are covered by the rostered St Andrews Village  GPs/NPs, or our after-hours service.  If you use an external GP, they will need to provide any emergency cover. Following resident, family, nurse and doctor consultation, residents are transferred to Auckland City Hospital.

How can I make an appointment with my GP/NP (or my family member’s GP)?

Through the Senior Nurse in charge in your house.

Am I or my family members involved in medical decision-making?

Yes, SAV GPs/NP use resident and family-centred approaches and engage residents and their families in all care decisions to the extent they wish.

What happens if I or my family member disagrees with medical decision-making? 

Your GP/NP is obliged by the Medical/Nursing Council to only provide treatment that is mandated by accepted practice standards. If this means there is a conflict between what the GP/NP recommends and your wishes, we will make every effort to work with you to find an acceptable solution. Access to mediation via the office of the Health and Disability Commissioners Advocacy Service may be used if necessary – Phone 0800 55 50 50.

Who do I talk to if I have concerns about medical issues?

If you have any concerns about your medical care (or that of your family member), please don’t hesitate to discuss it first with your Nurse Manager or Clinical Manager, and they can arrange an appointment with your GP/NP.


Weekly Mail delivery to your House.  The address for your mail is:

St Andrew’s Village 

Room #  (Your Room Number)

PO Box 18376

Glen Innes

Auckland, 1743

You can purchase stamps and writing materials from the shop situated on “The Street” within the Care Centre.

If you would like to send any mail, please put it in the red letterbox located on “The Street”. This is cleared Monday to Friday, or you can hand it into Reception.

Pharmacy Service

St Andrew’s Village has a contracted pharmacy to supply medications.   The pharmacy will provide urgent essential medication; general prescriptions however require 24 hours’ notice.

It is important to inform St Andrew’s Village’s contracted Pharmacy with details of your former pharmacy in case exemptions for charges are in place.

St Andrew’s Village covers the cost for all Pharmac listed medications only.   The resident is responsible for the payment of drugs not on the Pharmac list.

Physiotherapy (PT)

We have a large, well-equipped PT Department located in “The Street”.   Treatment is provided by a doctor or Senior Nurse’s referral only, for a stated specific length of time.

Our Registered Physiotherapist carries out assessments, evaluations and treatment plans on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings

Physiotherapy Assistants work Monday to Friday, 8:30 am -2:00 pm  

Dental Service

A mobile dentist (Elder Dental) runs clinics at St Andrew’s Village when 6-8 residents make a booking.  Residents and/or next of kin are responsible for making the appointment and for the associated costs.
Alternatively, you can make an appointment with a local dentist.
St Andrew’s Village can assist with transport arrangements.  


A Podiatrist visits St Andrew’s Village residents every six weeks.  Our staff do not cut residents’ toenails.  There is a cost for this service, please ask your Nurse or Reception for a price list.  

However, there are certain conditions that are entitled to free podiatry such as Diabetes and Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD).  Please check with your GP if you are entitled and inform us accordingly.

You may make arrangements to book an appointment with an independent podiatrist at your own cost

Clothing & Laundry

We launder and dry garments in commercial machines at very high temperatures, which are not suitable for woollen or expensive items etc. All such items must be hand washed by family or dry cleaned at your own cost.

 St Andrew’s Village takes care to return laundry in good order, however, carries no responsibility for accidental damage or loss of personal clothing or items during the laundry process.

It is a requirement that personal clothing and items be clearly labelled even if taken home by family/Whanau to launder. St Andrew’s Village provides a labelling service for a small cost.   

To order please complete the Clothing Labels Request Form and hand-over to the Admissions Manager prior to admission.

There are domestic washing machines in each residential area where residents can wash their own clothes if they wish to.

Hairdresser (Unisex)

The hairdressing salon is located on “The Street” in the main corridor and is open Tuesday and Friday each week.

Appointments are necessary and made by contacting the salon direct or through the Nursing staff.
Residents/families are responsible for all hairdressing charges (See a list of charges in your area’s Noticeboards).

You may also make use of the Salon located in the Terraces building. You can make an appointment by phone at 09 926 7984


Local suburban newspapers are available free from Reception on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

While a newspaper is available in each area, some residents may wish to arrange for their own personal copy delivered to St Andrew’s Village. Personal delivery costs at your expense.

The New Zealand Herald will only deliver to residents who sign up for longer than one month.

To order and set up an account, phone New Zealand Herald subscriptions at 0800 100 888.
Please notify Reception when delivery will commence or cease.  


Large print books are available from the Library in “The Street” which is open at all times.

We can facilitate the borrowing of books from Auckland Libraries. A computer with internet access is available for use in the library.


Our Receptionist can help you with the names of local taxi companies. 

Discounted disability taxi vouchers are available for residents that meet the criteria. 

Please check with Reception if you are eligible.

Computers & Wifi

Residents may bring their own computers for personal use.  St Andrews Village provides access to the internet
via a Wi-Fi connection.  

There is also a guest computer in the Library.

Summary of Services with charges

(Other expenses are set out in the Admissions Agreement)
  • Labelling of clothing
  • Hairdresser
  • Podiatrist
  • Newspapers
  • Transport to non-clinical appointments
  • Ambulance – first inbound travel from home or hospital.
  • Dentist
  • Dry-cleaning
  • Telephone
  • X-rays
  • Ear Nurse