In this section you will find information regarding administration aspects of St Andrew's Village.
The office and reception desk is located inside the front entrance of the main Care Centre building.
Administration staff are available to assist residents and family/whanau with queries regarding accounts, trust accounts and general administration matters. Outside of Business hours, the telephone system runs on “night service”.
Opening Hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Phone 09 585 4020.

Suggestion Forms
We welcome your feedback; suggestion forms are located at Reception and placed in the red Pillar Box in “The Street” once completed.
You can also fill them out online by selecting from the links below.
Do you have a compliment, concern or complaint?
Would you like to nominate a staff member for an excellence award?

The Admissions Manager deals with all aspects of the admission process. Your Admission Agreement sets out the terms of residency and the agreed services we will provide for your personal care and well-being. All prospective residents are encouraged to have an Enduring Power of Attorney for both Health & Welfare and Property & Finance.

Residents’ Rights
We have included a Code of Rights pamphlet from the Health & Disability Commissioner in your admission pack.
In summary, it states:
- You should be treated with respect.
- No one should discriminate against you, pressure you into anything or take advantage of you.
- Services should help you live a dignified, independent life.
- You should be treated with care and skill and receive well-co-ordinated services of a good standard.
- Service providers should listen to you and give you the information in a way you can understand and that makes you comfortable to ask questions if you do not understand.
- You should have your condition explained to you, including benefits, risks, alternatives and costs of treatment and have any questions answered honestly.
- You can make your own decisions and are free to change your mind.
- You can have a support person with you at most times.
All these rights apply when asked to take part in research or teaching. Your right to make a complaint about services is taken seriously.

If you are not eligible for a financial subsidy from Health of Older People – Te Toka Tumai Auckland and Waitematā District, you will be responsible for the payment of your fees. St Andrews will invoice your fees at the end of each calendar month, payable immediately. You can process your payment by either direct debit or automatic payment; contact the Accounts officer for details.
When assessed as needing Private Hospital or Dementia Care, you are entitled to receive a partial top-up subsidy.
If you are eligible for a full subsidy, the Ministry of Health will pay St Andrews on your behalf. Incidentals are not covered by subsidy so will need to be covered by the Resident / Family.
You need to have your Superannuation redirected to St Andrew’s Village otherwise; the shortfall charges will reflect monthly on your account. You will still receive the personal allowance portion of your Superannuation paid directly to a bank account of your choice or alternatively, you could request a deposit into your Trust Account operated by St Andrew’s Village.
We require the initial cost of care to be paid in advance, after which an account is produced at the end of each calendar month and becomes immediately due for payment. Payment can be by either cheque or automatic payment. Please contact the main office for details.

Trust Account
It is not advisable to keep large amounts of money on your person or in your room. Residents can open a trust account at reception to pay for services such as Hairdressing, podiatry, transport money, pocket money and shop items. The Accounts team will send you monthly statements. Please keep your cash and credit cards in a locked cupboard.

Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA)
All prospective residents are encouraged to have an Enduring Power of Attorney for both Health & Welfare and Property & Finance for which we require copies. This is especially important if you become unable to make decisions with regard to your health & welfare or business and financial matters on a temporary or permanent basis. Information is available via the St Andrews Admissions Manager, Public Trust, Guardian Trust or your Solicitor. Please note that St Andrews requires a copy of the EPOA documentation on your file if one has been appointed.

Witnessing of Wills & Documents
St Andrew’s Village Staff are not authorised to witness wills or legal documents. The resident’s solicitor or family/whanau need to arrange appointments with the Justices of the Peace or independent witnesses. Our Director of Care can witness documents under special circumstances. For any further information please contact the Admissions Manager if you need assistance.

We provide ‘Do Not Disturb’ door signs on request and doors are fitted with locks should you wish to limit access to your room. There are small family rooms available for your use if you want a private space to interact with your friends and family. Staff respect residents’ privacy.

Electronic Key Tag
An electronic key tag will be issued during your admission process. Replacement key tags will incur an additional charge. Your room will always remain locked if you are absent from St Andrew’s Village. Our senior team members hold a master all-access electronic key tag in case of an emergency that necessitates room access. If you need any assistance with access requirements please get in touch with the Nurse Manager.

Personal Property & Valuables
As per the admission agreement, “We are not responsible for any money, bankcards, jewellery or valuables held by you at St Andrew’s Village. We recommend that you do not keep unsecured valuables at St Andrew’s Village”
St Andrew’s Village does not provide insurance coverage for your personal effects. However, take all reasonable steps to trace lost items. If the property is missing, please report this to a senior staff member as soon as possible. Personal effects include dentures, eyeglasses, hearing aids, prostheses, razors, jewellery, ornaments etc.
You need to arrange private insurance. For your own peace of mind, please restrict the amount of cash you have in your possession. We advise residents to set up a St Andrew’s Village Trust Account for the safekeeping of their money and to place valuables in a lockable drawer. We suggest residents lock the door when not in their room. You can request a key tag for your room through your Nurse Manager. A locked safe is also available upon request.

St Andrews does not have insurance coverage that covers residents’ personal effects. We encourage you to arrange private insurance if needed.
We are not responsible for any money, bankcards, jewellery or valuables held by you at St Andrew’s Village. We recommend that you do not keep unsecured valuables at St Andrew’s Village

Change of Address – Next of Kin
It is important that your contact details are kept in a current state. If your next of kin (NOK) has a change of address, email or phone/mobile number, please advise one of the nursing staff.

Electoral Role
The NZ Post Office will advise the Registrar of Electors of your new address when you have completed the Mail Redirection form available from NZ Post. The local electoral office will visit prior to an election to collect special votes.

Gold Card
A Community Services or Gold Card entitles you to subsidies and health-related services. However, the subsidies and services are needs and assets based. Once you are a resident at St Andrew’s Village Care Centre, if you are entitled to a card, we will assist you in applying for and/or renewing it.