Dove Wing
End Of Life Care
Dove wing is our specialist palliative care wing located in the main care centre, and is run in partnership with the team at Dove Hospice. This wing is specifically for palliative residents, both for respite and end of life care.
Services include complementary therapies, counselling, clinical and emotional support for residents, families, carers and the bereaved.
Our experienced team are here to help you and your loved ones through this challenging time. We hope you will find their knowledge and compassion beneficial in helping you with any decisions you are facing.
Memory Care

We Offer The Best Dementia Care In Auckland
St Andrews Village has provided specialised care to residents with dementia and Alzheimer’s for over 20 years.
Our Memory Care units, Bruce House and Henry Campbell are specifically designed to meet the needs of those living with dementia.
The recent refurbishment of the seven-bed (all-male) Henry Campbell wing is now part of Bruce House. There is easy access between the two areas, which allows the residents to mix at times but also ensures the two units can be separated as needed.
Both Memory Care units have external gardens for the residents to enjoy, as well as an open-plan dining room and lounge areas allowing for activities and entertainment such as music therapy. Residents enjoy bus trips and visits to places of interest.
Trained in dementia care, staff working across our Memory Care units value “their” residents, who are treated with dignity and respect as part of our person-centred care.
Care When You Need It Most
Respite allows caregivers to take a break or holiday. Usually, it is short term for approximately 1-2 weeks.
Respite care is also available to those in need of care after hospital treatment before returning to their communities or the retirement village.
For further information please contact:
Francis Gacad
09 585 4018
Dignity And Compassion
Palliative care is available to all residents of the Care Centre as the need arises.
Palliative care is personally planned to meet the needs of the residents and their families.
We have a pastoral care team who visit on a regular basis and can be contacted at times of need.
Three dedicated palliative care beds are also available at Dove Wing. These beds are managed in conjunction with Dove Hospice.
Staff work with Dove Hospice to provide therapies, fresh flowers and counselling as required.
For further information please contact:
Francis Gacad (Admissions Manager)
09 585 4018